SECTION 1. The Convention shall elect in conformity with the Constitution and Canons for the Government of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, so many Deputies as permitted and a like number of Alternate Deputies to represent this Diocese in the General Convention. Deputies shall be elected first by a majority vote, after which nominations shall then be open for Alternate Deputies, who shall likewise be elected by majority vote. The Alternates shall be ranked as first, second, third and fourth Alternate, in accordance with the relative number of votes received by each.
SECTION 2. The Deputies and the Alternate Deputies to the General Convention shall hold office until their successors are elected and shall have qualified.
SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the Deputies-Elect to the General Convention to inform the Bishop, 30 days before the meeting of the General Convention, whether or not they intend to be present to perform the duty assigned them. If they, or any of them, shall decline or fail to attend the sessions, the Bishop shall call upon the Alternate Deputies in the order of their election. In the event of a failure to secure a complete deputation from the persons elected Deputies and Alternate Deputies, the Bishop may, at his discretion, appoint a sufficient number of Provisional Deputies in either order to complete the deputation; such Provisional Deputies to serve only during the particular session of the General Convention for which they are appointed.
SECTION 4.18 Preceding any meeting of the Synod of Province Seven, the Bishop shall appoint to represent this Diocese in the Synod clerical and lay deputies in such number as the Provincial Synod by ordinance, or otherwise, should provide.
SECTION 5. (a) The Diocese shall pay the expenses of the Deputies and the First Alternate Deputies to the General Convention.
(b) The Diocese shall pay the expenses of the Deputies to the Meeting of the Synod of the Seventh Province.
SECTION 6.19 The Bishop shall designate the Chairperson of the delegation to the General Convention.