Episcopal Youth Community in Western Louisiana

Youth Ministry includes those in grades 6 - 12, and many of our congregations have terrific youth programs for students in their teen years. This is a time of questioning and becoming, as young people engage the big questions of life and learn how to navigate a world of adult decisions and grown-up relationships. Each congregation has a different approach to youth ministries, but each one cares deeply for its teen members. Find out more on the congregations’ websites!

Additionally, our diocese offers several programs that bring together the Episcopal Youth Community of Western Louisiana, or EYCWLA. 

We are the Episcopal Church in Western Louisiana. We are culturally diverse. We are welcoming. We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world. And we know that God loves you – no exceptions.

PO Box 4330, Pineville, LA US 71361

(318) 442-1304

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