SECTION 1. The University of the South and Seminary of the Southwest are declared to be institutions of higher learning of this Diocese.
SECTION 2. There shall be elected by the Diocesan Convention one presbyter and two lay communicants to serve for a term of three (3) years as Trustees of the University of the South, which terms shall be staggered Trustees shall demonstrate his or her personal commitment to the University by, among other things, attending the Board of Trustee=s annual May meeting, such other special meetings as may be called, and one orientation session for new Trustees, which sessions are held immediately prior to each annual meeting. Trustees shall also familiarize themselves with the Trustee Handbook and the University=s governing documents, including its Charter, as amended, Constitution and Ordinances.
Trustees shall serve as direct communicators between the University and the Diocese from which the Trustee as elected, and shall timely inform that Diocese of the actions of the Boards of Trustees and Regents and the University administration.
Trustees shall provide a meaningful level of annual financial support to the University as a symbol of their commitment to its mission and financial well-being.
In the event a Trustee becomes unwilling or unable to serve, the Bishop of this Diocese shall nominate a qualified communicant to complete the remainder of the term.
SECTION 3. In conformity with the ETSS by-laws, as amended, the following persons shall be elected to the Board of Trustees of the Seminary in the following manner: five Bishops and six other members of the clerical order, one from each Diocese in Province VII exclusive of the Diocese of Texas, shall be nominated by the ETSS Committee on Trustees in consultation with the Provincial Bishops; one confirmed lay communicant from each Diocese in Province VII, exclusive of the Diocese of Texas, shall be nominated by the Committee on Trustees in consultation with the respective dioceses. Said nominees shall be elected by vote of the ETSS Board of Trustees. The Bishop of the Diocese of Texas, three other members of the clerical order, and six confirmed lay communicants from said diocese shall serve as members of the ETSS Board of Trustees. Seven at-large members shall serve as trustees, five of whom shall be nominated by the Committee on Trustees and elected by the Board, and two of whom shall be appointed by the Chair of the Board. Two clergy representatives from the associated alumni shall serve as trustees. All of the foregoing trustees shall have seat, voice, and vote at all meetings of the Board. Four non-voting members shall serve as trustees, including two representatives from the ETSS faculty and two representatives from the student body.
Trustees shall be elected for a term of four years, with the possibility of being re-elected for one additional four year term. Where applicable, vacancies shall be filled for any unexpired term by appointment of the particular Diocesan Bishop in consultation with the ETSS Committee on Trustees and Chair of the Board.
It shall be the duty of the Trustees of the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest to:
(a) Share in the Vision Statement of the Seminary, and be willing to make service as a trustee a high priority by consistent attendance at board meetings, supporting the Seminary as an informed advocate and with personal financial resources as able, and by participating in all fund-raising efforts when requested.
(b) Recruit potential trustees who can serve the identified needs of the Seminary congruent with its Vision Statement.
(c) Promote church support of and student enrollment in the Seminary.
SECTION 4. The Trustees of the University of the South and Seminary of the Southwest shall annually report to the Diocesan Convention.
SECTION 5. Reasonable travel and other expenses of the Trustees shall be paid by the Diocese.