Welcome to Safe Church, Safe Communities (formerly known as Safeguarding God's Children)! Beginning in 2015, 2018, and 2022, The General Convention of The Episcopal Church adopted various resolutions calling for Model Policy and training updates and established a task force to make these revisions. The Episcopal Diocese of Western Louisiana has fully adopted the policies, screening, and training requirements created by the General Convention task force. Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming space for all children, youth, and vulnerable adults in our communities. To this end, all ordained and lay people engaged in ministry with children, youth, and vulnerable adults should follow the guidelines set forth on the Safe Church, Safe Communities pages of our website.
Additional information:
• For any questions regarding possible incidents or violations of any Safe Church, Safe Communities principles or policies by clergy or laity, contact one of the Intake Officers: The Very Rev. Paul White,
The Very Rev. Annie Etheredge,
• Each church, mission, or diocesan organization should have a designated Safe Church Minister. To establish or update a Safe Church Minister, please click here.
• For any administrative questions regarding program requirements or compliance at the congregational or institutional level, contact the Rev. Whit Stodghill,
• For any administrative questions regarding background checks or to set up an account for your church or organization, contact the Rev. Whit Stodghill,
Screening (see Safe Church, Safe Communities - Screening Expectations): Dioceses, congregations, and other organizations are required to screen all persons (employees and volunteers) before they engage in ministry with children, youth, and vulnerable adults. Depending on a person’s ministry role, screening may consist of any of the following: public records check, written application, interview, reference verification. Clergy background checks are handled by the diocesan office. Anyone interested in any type of lay ministry should refer to the Screening Expectations chart or check with the clergy, administrator, or Safe Church Minister at their local congregation/other organization to determine screening requirements.
Each church or diocesan organization is required to have its own background screening account with Praesidium Screening. For forms and assistance establishing an account, contact the Rev. Whit Stodghill,
The Screening Expectations chart contains specific screening requirements for each ministry role listed. To ensure full compliance with the policies recommended by The Episcopal Church, the Diocese of Western Louisiana mandates that everyone engaged in ministry with children, youth, and vulnerable adults meet all of the expectations labeled "Recommended" (marked with the letter R ) and "Depends on local policy" (marked with the letter P). Screenings are valid for three years from the date that they are received.
For more information about required Credit Checks, please click here.
Training (see Safe Church, Safe Communities – Course Requirements): Safe Church, Safe Communities training is available through Praesidium Academy, an online program designed to increase awareness and prevent abuse of children, youth, and vulnerable adults. There are two levels of training: Universal and Specialized. All clergy and lay persons active in any type of ministry should refer to the Course Requirements chart or check with the clergy, administrator, or Safe Church Minister at their local congregation/other organization to determine training requirements.
The Course Requirements chart contains specific course requirements for each ministry role listed. To ensure full compliance with the policies recommended by The Episcopal Church, the Diocese of Western Louisiana mandates that everyone engaged in ministry with children, youth, and vulnerable adults take all of the courses labeled "Recommended" and "Suggested".
Upon completion of a training course, a certificate will be created with an expiration date. When a certificate expires, the course must be retaken. Expiration dates can be found on the Learner Dashboard under "Certificates."
Specialized training modules may also be required by local congregations or other organizations at the discretion of the clergy leadership (bishop, rector, vicar, priest-in- charge), warden (in absence of clergy leadership), or other organizational leader (camp director, head of school). Check with your local church or other organization to determine if you should complete any specialized training modules.
To begin the training courses, you must first create an account with Praesidium Academy (see How to Create an Account with Praesidium Academy). Once your account has been created, you can click here to sign in and begin training.
Navigating Praesidium Academy: Before you begin training, you may want to print the Training Expectations chart or write down the names of the courses you are required to take. After you log in to Praesidium Academy, you can scroll or search to find the ones you need. If you have any difficulties finding your way around, you might want to check out these helpful FAQs.
How to Create an Account with Praesidium Academy
Registration Codes Used to Set Up an Account
Log In to Your Praesidium Academy Account
Regarding Credit Checks
Establish or Update a Safe Church Minister
Model Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth
Model Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults
Screening Expectations Chart
Course Requirements Chart
Reporting Child Abuse in Louisiana
Reporting Adult Abuse in Louisiana