Ordination Process
Discernment for ordination is the work of the church, a communal affair, not a solitary or small group task. Therefore, if you have been thinking and praying about how God is calling you to serve and are considering ordained ministry as a deacon or priest, you should begin by reading through the inormation below and reviewing the diocesan discernment packet. Discernment
The central focus of the discernment process for ordination to the diaconate or priesthood is not whether an individual is called to ministry, since by baptism God has called all of us to minister. Rather, the principal focus of discernment concerns how closely an individual’s gifts and experience match the unique challenges of diaconal and priestly ministry in this time and place.
The diocese needs ordained leaders who will equip our congregations to adapt to new realities, sing the Lord’s song in new lands, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that speak to the varied contexts and cultures of our communities.
Click here to print/view the Discernment Process Packet.
Application Process
If the priest concludes that the person should continue in the formal process toward ordination, the priest writes a letter to the bishop describing in detail the canonical inquiry he or she has made with the person (now called a Nominee) and confirming that the Nominee has been an active member in good standing for over one year.
The Nominee writes a letter to the bishop, submits a 500 word essay outlining his/her goals and intentions for ministry, and returns the completed Diocesan Discernment Application form. (The nominee should also include their spiritual autobiography in the application for diocesan discernment.)
Forms & Materials
Appendix A: Application to Diocesan Discernment
Appendix B: Application for Postulancy
Appendix C: Application for Postulancy (to be completed by supporting cleric)
Appendix D: Report of the Congregational Discernment Group (CDG)
Appendix E: CDG Evaluation
Appendix F: Permanent Record File Agreement
Appendix G: Recommendation of a Nominee for Postulancy (completed by Vestry/Bishop's Committee)
Appendix H: Financial Statement
Discernment Journey Steps (Updated March 2025)
Explore Your Call
Curious about the next steps? Contact the Commission on Ministry Chair, the Rev. Laurent De Prins.