Annual Diocesan Convention

46th Annual Diocesan Convention

Our in-person gathering will begin with 5:00 p.m. Eucharist and catered reception afterwards on Friday, April 4, at St. James in Alexandria. The regular business meeting to follow on Saturday, April 5, at the Best Western Alexandria Inn & Suites.

Friday, April 4

St. James, Alexandria

5:00 p.m.- Opening Eucharist with Catered Reception to Follow

Saturday, April 5

Best Western Alexandria Inn & Suites

8:30-9:30 a.m.- Check-In Begins

10:00 a.m.- Convention Convenes

Childcare will be available both days.

convention Registration 

2025 Diocesan Convention registration is now open! Please review the following notes before you begin:

  • Everyone must register:
    • Clergy
    • Lay Delegates
    • Lay Alternates (register as a visitor unless you will be replacing a Delegate)
    • Vendors
    • Visitors
    • Anyone who only wants to attend Friday night Eucharist and reception
  • There is NO COST to attend Convention. A meal will be included for each registrant.
  • Childcare will be available at all Convention events.
  • Display tables will be available for vendors from outside the diocese and diocesan clergy and laity who want to display information about their organization or ministry. Anyone who registers to attend Convention will be asked to indicate if they need display tables on their registration form. You do not need to complete a separate registration.

Register Now

Please click here for Registration FAQs.

STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? Please contact Joy Owensby.

Below are the online forms for: Annual Reports and Necrology 

Annual Reports to Convention (Submission deadline Mar. 6)
2025 Annual Convention Reports Submission Form

Those who chair or coordinate a diocesan committee, department, or ministry are required to submit a report of the year's activity before each annual Diocesan Convention. Reports are due by March 6, 2025. Early submissions are encouraged.

Please select your association to your committee, department or ministry.*

If you wish to include charts, graphs, photos, or other materials with your report, simply upload those items below:

Necrology Report Form
Necrology Reporting for Diocesan Convention 2025

Prepare a listing of all persons who have departed this life in the year since last convention and have held offices at the Diocesan level or served as a Delegate or Alternate to Convention.


At the 2025 Annual Diocesan Convention, we will be voting to fill the following positions (3 year terms):
Disciplinary Board
1 cleric from any convocation - to replace The Rev. Dr. Frank Hughes
Standing COmmittee
Acadiana — a lay person to replace The Rev. Madge McLain
Lake Charles — a priest  to replace Nancy Shaw
Trustee to UNiversity of the South
A cleric to serve a 3-year term

Nomination Requirements:

  • Confirmed Communicant in Good Standing at a parish/mission of this diocese in accordance with Canon 17.3 (All Members of this Church who for the previous year have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God, are to be considered Communicants in Good Standing.)
  • Clergy attestation. (A priest's signature is required on each nomination attesting that you are a confirmed communicant in good standing. In the case of an open cure, a Senior/Bishop's Warden may attest). Clergy nominations will be reviewed by the bishop to confirm all canonical requirements are met. 
The deadline for submissions is March 6.

2027 General Convention deputation nominations

We will also be voting for our deputation for the 82nd General Convention in Phoenix, Arizona.


  • Confirmed Communicant in Good Standing at a parish/mission of this diocese in accordance with Canon 17.3 (All Members of this Church who for the previous year have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God, are to be considered Communicants in Good Standing.)
  • Clergy attestation. (A priest's signature is required on each nomination attesting that you are a confirmed communicant in good standing. In the case of an open cure, a Senior/Bishop's Warden may attest). Clergy nominations will be reviewed by the bishop to confirm all canonical requirements are met. 

    The deadline for submissions is March 6.

    Submit a Nomination

Lodging Options

Lodging is optional and at your own expense.

Best Western Alexandria Inn & Suites

Address: 2720 N MacArthur Dr, Alexandria, LA 71303
Phone: (318) 445-5530
View hotel website

We are the Episcopal Church in Western Louisiana. We are culturally diverse. We are welcoming. We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world. And we know that God loves you – no exceptions.

PO Box 4330, Pineville, LA US 71361

(318) 442-1304

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